Saturday, July 14, 2012

Job Tips: How to Grow a "Thick Skin"

Courtesy of

Not everyone is as assertive or outspoken as many employers would like. There are all sorts of personalities in the world, from the most confident to the severly timid and sensitive; because everyone is unique.

However, when you know that you're an overly sensitive person, this may become very detrimental to your tenure on the job, especially when it's time for constructive criticism from the boss.

To make yourself more valuable on the job market, try out some of these tips to develop a thick skin.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Study Methods for College Students: Pros and Cons

Student studying || Courtesy of
There have been so many study theories and techniques drilled into students in elementary and high school, that by the time students enter college, there's so many study strategies clashing in their heads that they end up developing poor study habits overtime. There have been many misconceptions of what the "right" way to study actually is. In fact, there may not be a right way at all.

Since everyone is different, every individual learns material in his/her own way and pace; however, it doesn't hurt to get some suggestions on helpful study habits with some pros and cons in there as well.

Click here to read the pros and cons of some of the study methods you've heard about.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Phone Interview Tips: Being Professional in Your PJs

Girl on phone interview || Courtesy of
You may feel like a phone interview is a pleasant opportunity for the interviewer not to see you relaxing in your pajamas, but although the PJs are fine, you might want to still maintain as much professionalism as possible. Phone interviews are used as a way of screening potential job candidates and narrowing down the pool of applicants who will be invited for an actual in-person interview. In the midst of your job search, be sure you are prepared not only for a face to face interview, but for an over-the-phone interview as well.

Click here to read some tips on how to ace your next phone interview.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

College Tips: How to Make This Summer Productive

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Summer has arrived and this is the season for shedding the layers of clothing, booking vacations, crowding the beaches, and forgetting about schoolwork for a bit.

"It's important not to revert back to your high school mentality of summer--we all remember how jarring the first week back to homework and a busy schedule was after a lazy summer, and that was just high school," says Hannah Faust, a rising senior at Loyola Marymount University. "If you lay around all summer, you can count on being behind in school starting day one of fall semester."

Click the link and find out how you can make this summer productive and still enjoy your time off from school.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tips for College: Writing an Effective College Application Essay

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Students preparing for college often have some trepidation when it comes to writing college application essays. It feels like teachers are steering you in one direction, tips in books and online are veering you down another path and when it's time to write, your thoughts and ideas are all over the place--cluttered with confusion and second-thoughts.

If you're getting ready to write an essay for your college application and are tired of staring at a blank page for hours, try putting these tips to good use, for an effective essay recruiters will enjoy...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tips for College: Finding the Right Grad School For YOU

Courtesy of

Finding the right Grad School for you may sometimes feel like one of the most daunting tasks in the world. It can make any student feel like his/her career is at stake by just one decision.

Click here to read some of my critical tips to keep in mind, if you're trying to find the right grad school.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What every College Student should Do before entering the “Real World”

Graduation Day ||
If you are a student about to enter your first year of college, there may be a lot of anticipation mixed with some nervousness. It's a chance to be out on your own, meet new people and earn a degree in a field that you're passionate about, all while trying to adjust to a very new setting. If you're entering your senior year of college, chances are you are making sure this summer vacation counts. When fall arrives, there's a lot to think about; from tuition and fees, to fulfilling credits, to graduation cap and gowns, to your career and life after graduation.

Click HERE for helpful tips that you can take with you from freshman year all the way to your final year of college, before you enter the so called "real world":

Thursday, July 5, 2012

7 Tips on How to Write a Professional Email

Woman checking her email||

You may think the days of writing letters are over, but in reality, it has merely transferred from pen to keyboard. Keeping an email professional can be somewhat difficult, especially when we use computers, laptops and smart phones during our leisure time. Text message slang and Internet lingo are often unintentionally fused with emails that are meant to be strictly professional.

Click the link below for some tips to keep in mind, the next time you have an important email to compose:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5 ways to avoid Job Search Frustrations

The back of this 20-year-old's shirt states:
"Jobless not hopeless, ask me for my resume"
and the front reads his Twitter name. 

Whether you are a recent college grad who has been bombarded with discouraging words concerning the job market or an individual who has been searching for a job for quite some time and feels like there's no hope, frustration is bound to kick in. It happens to the best of us, especially when job hunting is involved.

Click the link below to find out 5 tips that will put you in the enthusiastic stage of job hunting again and will eliminate the nagging feeling of frustration... forever!